Florida SouthWestern State College

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you track student progress? How do you support or screen potential students?
We can track student progress. We have various methods in obtaining a progress report on a student. For about 65% of courses taken, we can pull an automated report on a student through our registration system. For the rest, we go direct to our content developer and do an individual Progress Report (PR) for that student. We are continuing to work with our content developers to upgrade the means to pull automated PRs in the most expeditious manner. Students are provided a toll-free number that they can call to access live help between 8:00 AM and 6 PM EST. Students (or potential students) can access these tutorials using a current Web Browser at their convenience.
What is the online course refund policy? What is the minimum course completion requirement to get credit for completion of a course/certificate/certification learning plan? How long does it take to complete a program? Do I have to buy additional materials? Do I have to login and attend class at a certain time or be forced to study on a fixed schedule? What system requirements are needed for these programs/courses? What are the differences between self-paced, mentor supported, and instructor supported? What is the difference between certification and certificate programs? If I want to purchase an exam, when should I do this? What is the time frame I will need to purchase this exam? Is funding available for training? What if I have a question, but don't know who to ask? What kind of financial assistance does this school or its partner, ProTrain offer students wanting to take a course? Where can I find the hours and access length for a course and what do they mean? How do I determine my level of proficiency with computers? Are these courses ADA and Section 508 compliant? As a student taking an in-classroom, online, and/or synchronous class wherein the cost was out of pocket and not paid through an outside source, will I be issued a 1098 T Form at the end of the calendar year? What does Connect ANYTIME. Online mean? What does Connect LIVE. In Person mean? What does Connect LIVE. Online mean? What are the minimum requirements to take a course? What services are available to students enrolled in ProTrain courses? What happens if I am taking a course for a certification exam and that certification exam expires before my course end date? What is the live online course refund policy? What is your grievance policy? How are your course completion rates determined?